TADS 3 SplitGame Library Module

This is a library module for the TADS 3 programing language. It allows authors to write two interactive fiction games that will execute side-by-side, with each command the player types being executed in both games simultaneously.

To use the library, simply include splitgame.t in your project when you compile your game. The module has a few requirements; for example your two player characters MUST be named me1 and me2, and you must create a third actor called god (which is the actor who will actually receive all keyboard input). There are a few other considerations... read the comments at the top of splitgame.t for details.

splitgame.t - The library module.
splitgame-test.t - An extremely pointless sample game.
splitgame.t3 - The sample game, compiled so you can try it out.

Interpreter problems

Unfortunately, most TADS interpreters do not handle the banner API correctly. This library module, and games produced using it, won't run on most available interpreters. In fact, the only interpreter that seems to work is the Windows HTML TADS interpreter. I've confirmed that this library DOES NOT WORK with HyperTads 1.4.0 or the Unix command-line TADS interpreter.

This module is likely to break with future TADS library updates.

This module uses 'replace' and 'modify' to make some pretty extensive changes to parts of the standard TADS library that game authors are generally not expected to touch. So a future update of the TADS libraries could change something that this module also changes, resulting in unexpected behaviour or bugs. The only version of the TADS library that this module has been tested with is 3.0.8.